74 research outputs found

    Incidental vocabulary acquisition from an authentic novel: Do Things Fall Apart?

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    Nation (2006) has calculated that second language (L2) learners require much more vocabulary than previously thought to be functional with language (e.g., 8,000–9,000 word families to read independently). This level is far beyond the highest graded reader, and would be difficult to explicitly teach. One way for learners to be exposed to mid-frequency vocabulary is to read authentic materials. The original A Clockwork Orange study (Saragi, Nation, & Meister, 1978) showed impressive amounts of incidental vocabulary learning with first language (L1) readers, but subsequent studies with L2 learners (using graded readers or simplified materials) showed only modest gains. This study explores the degree to which relatively advanced L2 readers can acquire spelling, word class, and recognition and recall of meaning from reading the unmodified authentic novel Things Fall Apart. After more than 10 exposures, the meaning and spelling could be recognized for 84% and 76% of the words respectively, while the meaning and word class could be recalled for 55% and 63%

    Incidental Vocabulary Learning From Bilingual Subtitled Viewing: An Eye-Tracking Study

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    This study examined the effectiveness of bilingual subtitles (relative to captions, subtitles, and no subtitles) for incidental vocabulary learning. Learners’ processing of novel words in the subtitles and its relationship with learning gains were also explored. One-hundred-and-twelve intermediate to advanced Chinese learners of English watched a documentary in one of four conditions (bilingual, captions, subtitles, and no subtitles), while their eye movements were recorded. Pre- and post- vocabulary tests (form recognition, meaning recall, and meaning recognition) assessed participants’ knowledge of the target vocabulary. Results suggested an advantage of bilingual subtitles over captions for meaning recognition and over subtitles for meaning recall. Bilingual subtitles were less effective than captions for form recognition. Participants in the bilingual subtitles group spent more time reading the Chinese translations of the target items than the English target words. Amount of attention to the English target words (but not to the translations) predicted learning gains

    Young L2 learners' online processing of information in a graded reader during reading-only and reading-while-listening conditions: A study of eye-movements

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    Combining reading with auditory input has been shown to be an effective way of supporting reading fluency and reading comprehension in a second language. Previous research has also shown that reading comprehension can be further supported by pictorial information. However, the studies conducted so far have mainly included adults or adolescents and have been based on post-reading tests that, although informative, do not contribute to our understanding of how learners' processing of the several sources of input in multimodal texts changes with the presence of auditory input and the effect that potential differences could have on comprehension. The present study used eyetracking to examine how young learners process the pictorial and textual information in a graded reader under reading only and reading-while-listening conditions. Results showed that readers spent more time processing the text in the reading only condition, while more time was spent processing the images in the reading-while-listening mode. Nevertheless, comprehension scores were similar for the readers in the two conditions. Additionally, our results suggested a significant (negative) relationship between the amount of time learners spent processing the text and comprehension scores in both modes

    What eye-tracking tells us about reading-only and reading-while-listening in a first and second language

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    Reading-while-listening has been shown to be advantageous in second language learning. However, research to date has not addressed how the addition of auditory input changes reading itself. Identifying how reading differs in reading-while-listening and reading-only might help explain the advantages associated with the former. The aim of the present study was to provide a detailed description of reading patterns with and without audio. To address this, we asked first language (L1) and second language (L2) speakers to read two passages (one in a reading-only mode and another in a reading-while-listening mode) while their eye movements were monitored. In reading-only, L2 readers had more and longer fixations (i.e. slower reading) than L1 readers. In reading-while-listening, eye-movement patterns were very similar in the L1 and L2. In general, neither group of participants fixated the word that they were hearing, although the L2 readers’ eye movements were more aligned to the auditory input. When reading and listening were not aligned, both groups’ eye movements generally preceded the audio. However, L2 readers had more cases where their fixations lagged behind the audio. We consider why reading slightly ahead of the audio could explain some of the benefits attributed to reading-while-listening contexts

    Teoría de la reserva cognitiva en personas mayores

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    Debido al aumento de esperanza de vida en la sociedad que conllevaría a un aumento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas asociadas a la edad y al descubrimiento de sujetos con el mismo diagnóstico y diferente sintomatología surge el constructo de reserva cognitiva, la cual se asocia a la capacidad del cerebro para tolerar mejor los efectos de la patología asociada a la demencia compensando el daño mediante el uso de conexiones neuronales alternativas. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con tales objetivos: comprobar qué factores son relevantes en la formación de reserva cognitiva y estudiar si contribuyen a retrasar la aparición de los síntomas de la patología; además de analizar cómo la estimulación y entrenamiento cognitivo a lo largo de la vida nos pueden llevar a un envejecimiento más satisfactorio. Se realiza una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, Google académico, Dialnet, Otseeker, Science Direct y ProQuest, y el buscador AlcorZe como herramienta de ayuda obteniendo 10 artículos. Los factores que contribuyen a la construcción de RC son factores personales-contextuales destacando la educación, logro ocupacional y actividades de ocio. La estimulación cognitiva puede llevar a retrasar la sintomatología de la patología. Se plantea una necesidad de generar intervenciones de estimulación cognitiva y nuevos estudios sobre el tema en cuestión para poder prevenir enfermedades neurodegenerativas o retrasar su sintomatología.<br /

    The effect of input modes and number of exposures on the learning of L2 binomials

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    Despite the importance of mastering different types of formulaic sequences in a second language, little is known about the relative effect of different input modes on their acquisition. This study explores the learning of a particular type of formulaic language (binomials) in three input modes (reading-only, listening-only, and reading-while-listening) at different frequencies of exposure (2, 4, 5 and 6 occurrences). Arabic learners of English were presented with three stories, each in a different mode, that contained novel binomials (e.g., wires and pipes) and existing binomials (e.g., brother and sister). Two post-tests (multiple-choice and familiarity ratings) assessed learners’ knowledge of the binomials. Results showed that reading-only and reading-while-listening led to better performance on the tasks than listening-only. Frequency of exposure had an effect on the perceived familiarity of binomials

    Learning L2 collocations incidentally from reading

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    Previous studies have shown that intentional learning through explicit instruction is effective for the acquisition of collocations in a second language (L2) (e.g. Peters, 2014, 2015), but relatively little is known about the effectiveness of incidental approaches for the acquisition of L2 collocations. The present study examined the incidental acquisition of collocational knowledge when learners encounter adjective-pseudoword collocations while reading. Forty-one L2 learners read a story containing six target collocations in a classroom setting. One week after the reading they were interviewed about their knowledge of the form, meaning and collocation of the target items (at recall and recognition levels). Participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups, i.e. the 4-repetition group and the 8-repetition group. Results showed that collocational knowledge can be learnt incidentally from reading; that it is learnt at a similar rate to other lexical components such as form and meaning of individual words; and that the frequency manipulation in this study did not seem to have a significant effect on the acquisition of any of the aspects examined

    Using eye-tracking in applied linguistics and second language research

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    With eye-tracking technology the eye is thought to give researchers a window into the mind. Importantly, eye-tracking has significant advantages over traditional online processing measures: chiefly that it allows for more ‘natural’ processing as it does not require a secondary task, and that it provides a very rich moment-to-moment data source. In recognition of the technology’s benefits, an ever increasing number of researchers in applied linguistics and second language research are beginning to use it. As eye-tracking gains traction in the field, it is important to ensure that it is established in an empirically sound fashion. To do this it is important for the field to come to an understanding about what eye-tracking is, what eye-tracking measures tell us, what it can be used for, and what different eye-tracking systems can and cannot do. Further, it is important to establish guidelines for designing sound research studies using the technology. The goal of the current review is to begin to address these issues

    Categorías diagnósticas y género: los ejemplos de la clorosis y la neurastenia en la medicina española contemporánea (1877-1936)

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    Chlorosis and Neurasthenia are two classical examples of pathological dissociations and the difficulties involved in approaching their diagnosis using scientific-naturalistic criteria. In the realm of those difficulties, the study examines the androcentric viewpoint and the ideological perspective of Contemporary Spanish Medicine when addressing the feminine nature and women’s pathologies. Moreover, based on the similarities with present-day pain and fatigue syndromes, the study underlines the need to review the clinical approach to these illnesses by attempting to overcome the existing biomedical limitations.La Clorosis y la Neurastenia representan dos ejemplos históricos de disociaciones patológicas y de las dificultades que conlleva abordar su diagnóstico con los criterios de la mentalidad científiconatural. En el contexto de aquellas dificultades, el trabajo profundiza en la visión androcéntrica y el discurso ideológico con el que observaba la medicina española contemporánea a la naturaleza femenina y a las patologías de mujeres. Así mismo, a partir de las similitudes mostradas con los actuales síndromes del dolor y la fatiga, la investigación plantea la necesidad de revisar el abordaje clínico de éstas dolencias al intentar superar las limitaciones que ofrece el modelo biomédico